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[INTERVIEW] The Anecdote Of Nicechriz

Welcome to bazejamtune online promotion Nicechriz,

Thank u bazejamtune is a very big pleasure to be here with you guys.

Nicechriz can you tell the world about yourself?
Am Nicechriz, I’m from abia state born and brought up in Calabar. And I’m a businessman.

How do come about this name Nicechriz?

well! I’m a nice person though people think I’m not nice enough. So i just added nice to chris, becus my real name is chris. 
Your music locate me is causing problem everywhere in social media, what give you that inspiration?

Locate me is a song i deed from my heart, not just lyrical but it also tells about my past and those hard days, but thank God now we still moving.

Finally Nicechriz, your pass debut with fresh hour (magnito) was so amazing, how do you know that magnito was the right art to feature in that song?

Nothing much i sent him a dm and he got to like the song and decided to jump on it.

What do have to say about bazejamtune?

You guys have been doing a great job. Kudos! To bazejamtune and the team. You’ll doing a great job.

Thank u.
We appreciate you for your time and support, God bless your hustle.

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